



Members of the Walk-a-Lot team:
Ana Sofia Sousa,
André Gonçalves,
Francisco Sá Couto,
Simão Francisco,

This report describes the development of the Step Counter/FitGeek project by the group Walk-a-Lot, within the scope of the Mobile Computing in Biomedical Engineering taught by Prof. João Paulo Cunha and Prof. António Miguel Monteiro.

The main goal of this report is to give an overview of the developmente process, describing the used device, the stages for the final implementation, the definition of the scope of the project, a literature review and the problems faced, as well as the lessons learned.

To structure the work, the Agile metodology was used. This means that, beyond the regular group meetings and discussion of the project's requirement, the work was divided in smaller tasks, defining the estimated time for each of them. On each week, different tasks were atributted to each team member, and should be concluded until the established conclusion date.

The Redmine platform allowed to gain experience with Agite project management. Here, the project's requirements were placed in a product backlog list and sprints could be defined. During these sprints, the defined tasks, associated with each item of the product backlog, should be concluded. Redmine also allowed the exchange of files and informations.

The structure of this report can be seen by clicking in "Index by title".

The developed code is available in:
To correctly use the app the user should go to app preferences and allow for proximity devices and notifications alerts. The user should also use the correct vital jacket with MAC address: '00:23:FE:00:0B:34' which is the 1LS1200143.

The teaser is available in: