


Introduction » History » Version 1

Mariana Rodriguez Rojas, 05/01/2023 21:20

1 1 Mariana Rodriguez Rojas
h1. Introduction
2 1 Mariana Rodriguez Rojas
3 1 Mariana Rodriguez Rojas
4 1 Mariana Rodriguez Rojas
Exercising with certain regularity is considered one of the most important factors in life to maintain and improve someone's health and fitness condition. The fitness industry is one that has been growing due to the growing interest of people on a healthy lifestyle and is expected to grow in 7.25% from 2022 to 2026. 
5 1 Mariana Rodriguez Rojas
6 1 Mariana Rodriguez Rojas
The fitness industry suffered in big part due to the COVID-19 pandemic, with fitness clubs and gyms getting closed, and with lockdowns and the health situation people were forced to find alternative ways to exercise, move their bodies and stay healthy. People started doing workouts at home, going on walks, and just trying to find different ways to keep track of their fitness journey. After everything started going back to "normal", with the people who have missed the motivation and social interaction from in-person classes, going to the gym and exercising outdoors, the fitness industry is experiencing a mini-boom. 
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8 1 Mariana Rodriguez Rojas
Another factor that is influencing growth in this area is the growing of awareness on the importance of mental health and prioritizing one's wellness, and exercising being one important factor of a healthy state, more people have started to put more importance on keeping track on their exercising, and this is where digital tools come in hand. The technological factors of the industry have impacted and benefited those who have an interest in keeping track of their journey.
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10 1 Mariana Rodriguez Rojas
The principal objective of StepNCount is to offer the user an interactive interface where they can check different variables such as step counter, distance, energy expendure and also to keep track of their goals and progress over time.