Task #14695
Bluetooth and Java interface
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% Done:
Estimated time:
72.00 h
#1 Updated by Catarina Ricardo almost 6 years ago
- File BlindHelp.java View added
We needed to assemble the connection between COM port of the pc and HC 05, then receive the incoming data, and afterwards store the values of 4 variables and display them in real time in the interface
This interface allows another person to better understand what sensors are being used and how the walking stick works in order for a blind person to be able to walk and detect the presence of holes in the ground such as stairs, and objects below and above the waist
#2 Updated by Sofia Beco almost 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- Assignee set to Sofia Beco
#3 Updated by Sofia Beco almost 6 years ago
- % Done changed from 90 to 100
#4 Updated by Catarina Ricardo over 5 years ago
- File BlindHelp.java View added