


Requirements and Specification Report

Technical documentation

This report aims to clearly define the purpose and set of requirements of the Mobile Environmental Noise Protection System to develop, specifically focused on the crowd-sourcing and user interfaces section assigned to all groups 3. This document gives a detailed view of the user interface requirements, functionalities and restrictions of the system based on the users characteristics and their needs, defined by group 3A.

This project requirement document is structured as follows:
  • Introduction: brief explanation about the document and the project.
  • System Overview: description of the project, its sub-systems, goals, features, potential users characteristics and main constraints;
  • System Requirements: definition of the user-oriented system requirements, both functional and non-functional;
  • Use cases: description of the functionalities offered by the system from the point of view of its different types of users.


[RSR v1.0] Requirements and Specification Report.pdf - v 1.0 (1.29 MB) João Pinho, 11/11/2012 20:53